Teeth are white and strong, as are bones. Additionally, they store calcium just like bones. Due to these striking similarities, you might be wondering if teeth are bones?
It's a great question. In the next article we'll look at what comprise and the differences between teeth and bones. We'll also discuss ways to safeguard your teeth.
What Are Bones Made Of?
Bones composed from collagen that is a kind of protein. They're also composed of calcium phosphate which is the mineral. Collagen provides your bones with a soft structure, and calcium phosphate makes them tough and durable.
Bones are comprised of living tissue, which means that throughout your lifetime they're always growing and changing. The old bone tissue breaks down, and is taken away as new tissue is produced to replace the previous. This process keeps your bones healthy and strong.
What Are Teeth Made Of?
Your teeth are made up of many layers of soft and hard tissues. Dentin, enamel and cementum are tougher sections, while the pulp is the soft portion within the tooth.
The enamel is the hard outer layer that is made of minerals such as calcium and phosphate. While calcium phosphate can be found within your bones, the enamel is more durable than bones. It's actually the most durable substance you'll find in your body. In contrast to bones, enamel isn't made up of any living tissue.
Under the enamel of your teeth, there's a tissue that resembles bone called dentin. It's what makes up the majority of your teeth's structure. It is susceptible to the bacterial infections which cause tooth sensitivity as well as cavities.
Cementum is found in the following layer. It's a bone-like structure which is found around the tooth's root. It aids in the attachment of teeth to bone that surrounds the tooth. It's made up from type I collagen as well as protein polysaccharides.
The soft core of your tooth is known as the pulp. The pulp is living tissue, which is comprised of the connective tissues, nerves as well as blood vessels.
Functional Differences
The main difference between your teeth and bones is the way they heal. If you fracture the bone, your body's healing process begins as soon as it occurs. A soft, swollen callus comprised of collagen is formed over the injured tissue. As you heal the callus will form because new bone tissue is created.
Broken teeth However, broken teeth they aren't able to repair their own. Because your enamel isn't containing the living tissues, it isn't able to form a callus to heal itself. If your enamel becomes cracked or chipped or suffer from a tooth dental cavity, your dentist will be required to assist you.
Protecting Your Teeth
Since your teeth aren't able to regenerate, it's vital to safeguard them. However, a good dental hygiene routine can to keep your teeth good form.
It is essential to manage your harmful bacteria which cause cavities. Make sure to clean your teeth twice daily and floss every day. Also, visit your dentist frequently in case you get a dental cavity, it can be fixed quickly before it causes any further problems.
Now you're aware of the situation in answering the query: "Are teeth bones?" While bones and teeth appear alike and share a few elements, they're quite different. The most significant difference is that bones are able to heal themselves but your teeth don't. As a result, it is essential to visit your dentist if you've got any cracks, decay, or fractures. If you're experiencing any of these issues for you, schedule appointments with the dentist right away to ensure that your teeth be as healthy and strong as they have ever.