What is Keto Breath?
Reducing your carbohydrate intake can cause keto breath, also known as ketosis bad breath. Although the ketogenic diet is frequently linked to keto breath, it can also occur on any diet that restricts carbohydrates, including the low-carb Paleo diet, Atkins diet, and zero-carb carnivore diet.
Keto breath is a sign that the keto diet is working for you, specifically that your body is burning fat for energy (*). Some people may mistake it for ordinary halitosis and view it negatively.
Important: Keep in mind that people with poorly controlled type 1 or type 2 diabetes may exhibit keto breath as a sign of extremely high ketone levels, which raises their risk of developing ketoacidosis. These people also have dangerously high blood sugar levels (*) in addition to dangerously high ketones.
Why does one get a keto breath?
It's critical to comprehend how metabolism functions in order to comprehend the cause of keto breath. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are just a few of the food sources your body uses for energy. Your body typically uses glucose or carbohydrates for energy first, followed by fat.
Your body is forced to use its fat reserves for energy once your glucose stores are exhausted because the ketogenic diet and other low-carb diets intentionally restrict your intake of carbohydrates. Your body enters a state of ketosis when it burns fat for energy.
After that, fatty acids are transformed into ketones, which your body naturally produces when it burns fat for energy. These include acetoacetate, acetone, and beta-hydroxybutyrate.
Usually harmless, ketones leave the body through urination and exhalation. Your breath smelling like nail polish remover in particular can be an indication that you're in ketosis because acetone is a component of some nail polishes. On the one hand, this sign that you have reached ketosis may give you comfort.
Home remedies for keto breath
While your body adjusts to a low-carb diet, try these easy tips to lessen Keto bad breath.
1. Increase water consumption
Your body removes acetone and ketones from your system through urination in addition to exhalation. To increase urination, stay hydrated and drink water frequently throughout the day. This enhances your breath and aids in flushing out ketones from your body. Increasing your water intake may support your efforts to lose weight.
2. Consume less protein
Although a low-carb diet requires protein, eating too much protein can make bad breath worse. Ammonia is created by your body as it breaks down protein. This is yet another metabolic byproduct that is expelled through exhalation and urination. Ammonia can also leave a pungent aftertaste on the breath.
You might be able to improve your breath without having to stop your diet by eating less protein and more healthy fats (avocados, nuts, olive oil).
3. Maintain a healthy mouth.
Even though flossing and brushing your teeth twice a day won't completely get rid of keto breath, they can help to lessen its smell.
Bacteria can accumulate in your mouth and in between your teeth when you don’t brush or floss regularly. Since bacteria also trigger bad breath, poor dental hygiene can worsen keto bad breath.
4. Mask odor with mints and gum
You may want to suck on mints and chew gum until your body adjusts to a low-carb diet. Make sure you choose sugar-free mints and gum.
Be aware that some chewing gums and mints contain a small number of carbohydrates. If you chew or suck on several pieces throughout the day, this could increase your daily intake of carbs and kick you out of ketosis.
5. Increase your intake of carbs
Your carbohydrate intake can be slightly increased to get rid of keto breath. Only slightly increase your daily intake of carbohydrates if you want to stay in a state of ketosis.
Let's assume that you consume 15 grams (g) of carbohydrates daily. To see if your bad breath gets better, try increasing your intake to 20 g each day. Then, check your ketone level using a ketone breath analyzer. Knowing whether you are still in ketosis after increasing your carb intake depends on keeping an eye on your ketone level.
6. Be tolerant
Sometimes it's impossible to eliminate keto breath. So, if you're determined to follow a low-carb diet in order to lose weight, exercise patience and give your body time to get used to its new fuel source. Over the course of a few weeks, your bad breath will get better.
Can you prevent keto breath?
A side effect of ketosis and a low-carb diet is keto breath, and there doesn't seem to be a way to stop the smell. The most you can eat without coming out of ketosis, however, can be determined using a ketone breath analyzer. This may be sufficient to keep your breath fresh if you can increase your carbohydrate intake while reducing your protein intake.
If you notice keto breath and aren't purposefully following a low-carb or ketogenic diet, eating more carbohydrates will quickly bring you out of ketosis and get rid of the bad breath. For instance, increase your daily intake of carbohydrates from 50 g to 100 g if you are currently doing so. You can increase your level of exercise to make up for the extra carbohydrates